5 Reasons the Covid May Be GOOD for Your Love Life
March 17, 2020

5 Reasons the Coronavirus May Be GOOD for Your Love Life

We are in uncharted waters with the Covid pandemic. Safety first…but it doesn’t mean that your dating life needs to take a total back seat. Here are 5 reasons why NOW is actually a perfect time to put your love life on the top of your to do list.

1. You can take a break from the exhaustion of dating. While it’s a perfect way to feel engaged, meeting a new person and hearing about them and their story can be draining. Let’s all restore and rest!

2. Taking the time to really get to know someone is ideal. If you are chatting with someone online, you might really have to TALK with that person to advance the “relationship.” What do you have to lose? Conversation will be the fastest way to figure out if a person is a good catch during this unique time. Talking on the phone and using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or a Google Hangout are terrific ways to have date from afar.

3. Many singles are grounded from travel and both in-town and online! Instead of having to travel, now they cannot. Translation: they’re ready to take advantage of being home.

4. A lot of scheduled events are postponed and canceled. People are working from home – and no sports games, concerts, or other events. Why not spend time discussing what events you enjoy going to and planning future dates? When this is over, you’ll want to be ready to GO!

5. It allows you time to reconnect with who you are, heal from past relationships, and learn more about what you are really looking for. Self-reflection can only help you when it comes to dating. If you want to Skype with us and have a date coaching session, call Emily at 404-355-4646!

Events and Dates postponed until further notice. All memberships will be extended when we know more. Thank you!