Why Matchmaking in Atlanta is Different for Women
June 1, 2017

Why Matchmaking in Atlanta is Different For Women

There are many reasons why matchmaking in Atlanta is different for women.  Atlanta has a number of unique and frustrating dating challenges.

If you are a woman, the odds are stacked heavily against you in ATL

Too Many Men – Not Enough Women

According to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on of the many reason why matchmaking is different for women in Atlanta is there are simply too many men!

Numbers can tell all kinds of stories. CityLab has one: Atlanta has about 80,000 more single women (ages 18-64) than single men — one of the largest such gaps in the country, according to an analysis of U.S. Census data.”

Kinda sucks for us if we are a single lady in Atlanta, right?

Worse yet, “And there are at least 50,000 more single women aged 45 to 64 than men in Atlanta,” according to researcher Richard Florida http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/02/where-in-the-us-are-there-more-single-men-than-women/385369/ so that makes dating and matchmaking in Atlanta different for women too!

Though no hard data can be found to quantify it, it is common knowledge that at least a measurable portion of the otherwise “eligible males” in Atlanta are members of the LBGQT community.  One estimate lists Atlanta, GA as having the fourth highest population of transgender individuals http://www.projectq.us/atlanta/georgias_trans_population_fourth_highest_in_u.s

One more reason why matchmaking in Atlanta is different for women is you may be a smoking, sultry, and savvy cougar, but their are more single, successful, and savage men out their than there are cougars – so beware of your predators.

Last, with the world’s busiest airport, ATL Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, you literally could have anyone in the world fly into ATL and try to sweep you love interest off their feet and out of the country – never to be seen by you again.

Why Should A Lady Use a Matchmaking 1 on 1 to find love?

For Personal Safety from Fraud

Atlanta, according to an article in USA Today has the 2nd highest incidence of fraud in the United States http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/03/08/states-with-most-fraud-complaints/6173855/  So you could lose more than your pride if an Atlanta catfishes or fraudster sinks his hooks into your flesh.

For Personal Safety from Violent Crime

But that’s not all, according to Forbes Atlanta also rate number 6 out of “The 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities – http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mlj45jggj/6-atlanta/#44ef43c81b54

To Avoid the Risk of Murder

Finally, “The city of Atlanta was recently named one of America’s top 25 murder capitals, according to the latest data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. http://www.ajc.com/news/crime–law/atlanta-named-one-america-top-murder-capitals/iazY5cSkTgXxs436eN8chL/

It Beats Craiglslist!

If you are thinking of Craigslist as an alternative to 1 on 1 Matchmaking, I’d recommend the you read this article first – http://www.wafb.com/story/28761189/craigslist-killers-86-murders-linked-to-popular-classifieds-website

At 1 on 1 Matchmaking were verify the following regarding your potential love connection:

  • Identity
  • Age
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Marital Status (sorry no Ashley Madison type hook-ups here)
  • Education Level
  • Security

Before you meet your date, they have:

  • Responded to a detailed questionnaire with 1 on q Matchmaking
  • Prepared a comprehensive online profile
  • Undergone a face-to-face interview with the 1 on 1 Matchmaking team
  • Provided personal references

And often, they have been personally referred to us by previous happy 1 on 1 Matchmaking clients (or even by one of the members of the couples matched to one create of our 327 successful marriages)


When is comes to matchmaking success in Atlanta, “Nobody does it better than 1  on 1 Matchmaking!”

In just under 10 years, operating out of a humble, but tasteful office in Bulkhead (next door to the historic Bulkhead Theatre) we have created more marriages than any other matchmaker in Atlanta.

We’ve introduced literally thousands of couples, created tens of thousands of date dining experiences (at Atlanta’s trendiest and most romantic restaurants) and helped lead to matches that have resulted in 327 successful  marriages as of today!

Need a next “First Date?”  Call me!  I have dozens of hot, successful, and fun men an women ready to meet you – who are each waiting for their next “First Date,” and maybe even their “Last First Kiss!”



Founder 1on1Matchmaking

&  8 at 8 Dinner Club

Find Love Tomorrow! – (404)  355 – 7828