How to Make the Most of Cuffing Season
February 27, 2018

“Cuffing season” isn’t just cold because it takes place during the colder months, it’s because it can be cold-hearted. But it doesn’t have to be! In fact, it can get quite hot!

man kissing woman in snow with sled in the background.What is Cuffing Season?

During warmer months, you’re out meeting new people, dating, and playing the field. Wintertime, however, can be cold, snowy, icy, rainy, and dreary. You barely want to leave the house. Now, what would you prefer: holding a glass of wine and a warm book – or a warm body? Yes – that could mean you want to be cuffed. Someone you can count on – your own personal “go-to guy” or “gal” – to see a movie, sit by the fire, or share a nice meal.

While it’s not always the case, sometimes those doing the cuffing are known to be players – but you might have all the best reasons for wanting to be part of a couple while (baby) it’s cold outside. For instance, imagine going home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and/or New Year’s Eve; and, when Uncle Marty or Aunt Mary (or Uncle Mary and Aunt Marty?) ask about whether you’re “still single,” you can shout, “Heck no!”

With cuffing season, you’ll either need to plan ahead – or end up settling or being settled for. Date a lot in September, October, and early November – with the goal of finding someone warm of heart and body. Be prepared for it to end before Valentine’s Day (amicably, if done right). But stranger things have happened than two people who were just C-U-F-F-I-N-G falling in love, joining in marriage, and – eventually – pushing a baby carriage. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

So, to paraphrase that debonaire hottie Hamlet, “To cuff or not to cuff, is that still a question?”